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Speaking Engagements

A highly sought-after speaker, Kit Allowitz, delivers a passionate, entertaining, humorous and engaging presentation, keynote, training programs to your organization, group or association.

Some of Kit’s most popular speech topics:

  • Maximizing willpower and get everything you want out of work and life. (Based off Kit Allowitz’s bestselling book – Don’t Pull the Chicken Switch Don’t Pull the Chicken Switch! How we are like the ejection switch in an F16 fighter plane and what we can do to stop pulling the switch and ejecting in business and life goals.

  • Goal completion.  The dirty secrets to achieve amidst the whirlwinds of running the business.

  • Disciplined Selling.  Nailing the 5 skill sets to staying on top of sales: Time management, Business Development, The Sales Call, Managing Relationships and Territory planning.

  • Tacit Underlying Assumptions – The stuff in our business that isn’t said, but 100% impacts the results we want.

  • Time management for busy sales people.

  • Time management for the very busy business worker

  • Time management: Why it’s most often a self-inflicted conundrum and how to stop it!

  • The Discipline to Get it Done.

  • You are getting the results you are getting! If you want different results, you Must do things differently.

  • Don’t Take the Marshmallow: The battle against giving into the temptations that stop us from getting the results we seek.

  • Getting to the South Pole in Business! How Roald Amundsen did it in 1911 and how you can today in today’s tough conditions. 

  • Running a marathon is like running a business. It takes discipline.  Stay the course.

  • Running a 100 mile footrace.  We could all do it if we wanted it bad enough.  Do you want ‘it’ (whatever it is) in your job and business?

  • Leadership. Avoiding the 2 classic management/leadership mistakes.

2024 Kit Allowitz ™.

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